24 October 2009

Shooting the Cake

Please note: there were no cakes harmed during this process.

When I met Lizelle as the photographer at my brother’s wedding, I knew that she would be the one to photograph my cakes when the day comes to set up my own business. Not only is she fun to work with, but also an extremely talented photographer with great ideas up her sleeve!

After two days of styling and shooting, we managed to get the perfect set of pictures for the website.
I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.

behind the scenes
day 1
Day 1

19 October 2009

Blank Canvas

With a new venture, you need to start from scratch. That’s exactly what I had to do in just a few days.

Having to wait for the ship to arrive with my tools from London, I had 9 days to decorate all the cakes and cookies for the website. With many late nights and early mornings, I managed to get it done in time for the photo shoot with Lizelle Lotter.

Thanks to my lovely mom and sister for the helping hand and support. From washing dishes, to keeping me company until late at night, styling until 5 in the morning and transporting everything to the shoot, I would not have been able to do it in 9 days without you.

Thank goodness for strong black coffee and family!!

Cakes in the making...
dummy cakes